Saturday, November 17, 2007


So not much new has really been happening as of late. Today is pre-thanksgving at Tom Boland's, which will be lovely. I mean let's face it: food, friends, beer....what else is there? I shall be be making my magic Guinness Stew complete will all things yummy.

So the other night Jared unexpectedly invited John Cunha over for some manly video game time. At first I was kinda pissed off. The last thing I want at the end of my week was to be exiled from my living room and have manly loudness when all I wanted to do was come home to cuddles after a long week. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize the I'm probably become way too lazy when it comes to friends, and way too reliant on spending time with Jared cause it's easy. I mean, we do live together and he's always there. We both could use more apart time. I know that I haven't spent nearly enough time with Jay, Carolyn, Kristna, and all them. Nor enough time with Renee, Puds, and all my Photo friends.

In the end, things all worked out for the best. Jared, John, and I made a beer run and hung out for a while, watching TV and shooting the shit, post video gaming. During their man time, I was able to make some calls I had been meaning to, most importantly to Melissa (the sister). I mean, let's face it, Melissa and I were never really all that close as kids (or at any other time in our lives). But with the pregnancy, I feel like she's warmed up a bunch, and that we have this new sense of actually being sisters and the stuff the comes along with it. We talked for like over an hour, about her morning sickness, and how, provided baby is cooperative, she'll find out the sex on Monday. I told her about the new job, and how things with Jared and I are, and the kitties. She actually asked me to help design and plan the Baby Shower for this spring suggesting that Jared and I could fly down and spend a few days since at the new house in Baltimore, they have this huge guest room. All in all, I was really flatter and kind of moved. Who knows, maybe Auntie-hood will do our relationship some good.....

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

Oooooooh! Auntie Julie - congrats! (And how fun!! There is a lot of cute baby stuff out there...)

Don't worry, we will have cuddles when I come up and I promise not to be overly manly or loud.