Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Things

For those I haven't told, the new exciting thing in my life of late is my getting a new job. I'm super excited about it since it's a huge more up for me in the photo world. The company is call Boston Photo Imaging; and their the place to go to in Boston for professional image capture, archive and printing. They work primarily with photographers,major museums, libraries, universities, individuals and corporations nationwide. So what does that really mean? Lots of scanning, lots of printing, and lots of photoshop-ing.

My position there will be as Administrative Assistant to Carol Smith, the company pres. It's basically a combination of front the house client relations and project consultation, combined with back of the house actual project production. As an administrative assistant I will be compensated on a salary basis, earning way more than I am now, and get fun little perks like 40 hours of vacation/sick time, Paid holiday, and health care.

As amazing as this all is, It's kinda of a bitter-sweet move for me. While I'm going to be taking huge step in the right direction as far as my career in photography is concerned, in addition to much more pay, I'm really said to be leaving Stone Photo. While, yes, it really basically a more high-end one hour, I am going to miss my coworkers and the laid back job atmosphere more than I can say. And being a retail company, my giving notice couldn't come at a worse time: right before xmas. Everyone was really happy for me though, which probably just made it worse in the long run.

So I start Monday morning. 8:30 am. And I'm alittle terrified. I know i can do this but part of still feels like a goofy college kid, just faking that they can be a real grown-up. Which I know isn't true. But still, lots of firsts make me nervous. Except for one: for the first time I feel like college was really an investment for me. Like the money i spent there actually went to good use and I in a position that I couldn't have obtained without my undergrad education.

And with student loans payments, right around the corner, all I have to say is thank fucking god for that!!!!


Bobbie said...

Woooooow! Congratulations, Jules! How awesome. I am so, so proud of you... and I know that you can do it.

I definitely understand the pretending to be an adult thing... I definitely have a fear that people will discover at any moment that I'm a scared little kid pretending to be a grown up... and I am SUPER scared that I will not find a job this summer...

but I know that you can do it, that we can do it... because we've come a long way, biotch.

Love you too much.

Nina B. said...

Ahh, congratulations! It sounds like an amazing opportunity!

I, too, know exactly how you feel about being "outed" as a college kid in disguise as a grown-up. I am the youngest person in my office, but I've found that, while I can't become best friends with the 50+ year old VP of development, a lot of them come to me for a youthful perspective. And in an industry like yours, that is completely an asset.

Anyway, I'm so happy for you and wish you the best of luck. And of course: keep us posted!!!