Friday, November 23, 2007

Almost Week in Review

Since I have been the uber busy this week with new work and the holiday I haven't been posting as much as I would have liked to even though a ridiculous amount of things have been having. To sum up, See list below:

1) Sunday: Pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving at Tom Boland's was spectacular. Both deep-fried and smoked turkey (yeah I didn't know you could do that either). The morning was spent cooking and socializing with John Cunha: awesome. The evening was spent with the headache of doom which lead to a migraine, vomit, and an 8:30 bed time: not awesome.

2) Monday: First day a work. The people there are all relatively young (late 20s to mid 30s) and really cool, with one exception. Bill. Who happens to be the president and founder of the company. I think it may seriously be retarded. Seriously. But only slightly. I don't know how be owns a business, it is seriously mind boggling. There's also Carol (his wife) who really most of the work, more or less runs the business and seems sweet, but kinda anal and mom-like. Everyone was very nice though, and really accommodating.

3) Tuesday: It snowed. No. Really. FUCKING SNOW!! On the plus side, I learned more things at work, Carol was really cool about me asking her questions and getting clarification on work order procedures and the specifics of the job we can and can not do. Played with Zoe, Carol's 11 year old West Highland terrier who comes to work everyday. And I got the "how things really work around here when Carola and Bill aren't in" from Greg (who's my favorite) and the other employees.

4) Wednesday: since it was the day before Thanksgiving, Bill and Carol took the day off work to head up to there other house and start cooling. So, how do things really work?? Well, in the afternoon, around 2:30, Greg and Baja (yeah like the desert) left work and went over to the local wine and spirits store. It then became White Russian Wednesday. As it turns out, all of my co-workers (all 6 of 'um) are all really cynical people with a completely inappropriate sense of off-color workplace humor who are also kind of alcoholics. Did i mention Greg was a bartender? Did i mention I fucking love my job?

5) Thursday: Slept so late, 'till like 10!!! Showered, got pretty, grabbed at Pecan Pie from the place down the street and headed for the border. And by that I mean New Hampshire and Jared's Uncle Drew and his partner Russell's new house. Ate for 6 or so hours. Came home. Slipped into the best food induced coma I've had in quite some time.

6) Today: Slept late. Again. Sweet! Didn't really do anytime. I mean went through the motions: making coffee, breakfast, wandered around JP center. But more or less, took a much needed no make-up, no hair-do, no real pants kinda mental health day.

For the future? Same things for tomorrow, with the additional of some much needed apartment cleaning and laundry. Sunday, Mom is coming up to meet the kitties and have bunch. I know she needs it, and it'll be good for her to get away from it all, even if it's just for a few hours. She stayed down in Plymouth and had Thanksgiving with Peter at the re-hab hospital, which is way fucking depressing in and off itself. With the holidays coming, Peter (unfortunately) has started to become really depressed and I'm worried about my mom's own mental health status. He's starting to become really paranoid too, not wanting my mom to drive at night or on the highway if possible. Sign. I've coping ok, and have some mental bullet points laid out in my head so that we can have a serious talk and I can make sure she's ok.

Longest post ever. Anyways, hope all had a good Turkey day and I hope to see you all soon....

Saturday, November 17, 2007


So not much new has really been happening as of late. Today is pre-thanksgving at Tom Boland's, which will be lovely. I mean let's face it: food, friends, beer....what else is there? I shall be be making my magic Guinness Stew complete will all things yummy.

So the other night Jared unexpectedly invited John Cunha over for some manly video game time. At first I was kinda pissed off. The last thing I want at the end of my week was to be exiled from my living room and have manly loudness when all I wanted to do was come home to cuddles after a long week. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize the I'm probably become way too lazy when it comes to friends, and way too reliant on spending time with Jared cause it's easy. I mean, we do live together and he's always there. We both could use more apart time. I know that I haven't spent nearly enough time with Jay, Carolyn, Kristna, and all them. Nor enough time with Renee, Puds, and all my Photo friends.

In the end, things all worked out for the best. Jared, John, and I made a beer run and hung out for a while, watching TV and shooting the shit, post video gaming. During their man time, I was able to make some calls I had been meaning to, most importantly to Melissa (the sister). I mean, let's face it, Melissa and I were never really all that close as kids (or at any other time in our lives). But with the pregnancy, I feel like she's warmed up a bunch, and that we have this new sense of actually being sisters and the stuff the comes along with it. We talked for like over an hour, about her morning sickness, and how, provided baby is cooperative, she'll find out the sex on Monday. I told her about the new job, and how things with Jared and I are, and the kitties. She actually asked me to help design and plan the Baby Shower for this spring suggesting that Jared and I could fly down and spend a few days since at the new house in Baltimore, they have this huge guest room. All in all, I was really flatter and kind of moved. Who knows, maybe Auntie-hood will do our relationship some good.....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Things

For those I haven't told, the new exciting thing in my life of late is my getting a new job. I'm super excited about it since it's a huge more up for me in the photo world. The company is call Boston Photo Imaging; and their the place to go to in Boston for professional image capture, archive and printing. They work primarily with photographers,major museums, libraries, universities, individuals and corporations nationwide. So what does that really mean? Lots of scanning, lots of printing, and lots of photoshop-ing.

My position there will be as Administrative Assistant to Carol Smith, the company pres. It's basically a combination of front the house client relations and project consultation, combined with back of the house actual project production. As an administrative assistant I will be compensated on a salary basis, earning way more than I am now, and get fun little perks like 40 hours of vacation/sick time, Paid holiday, and health care.

As amazing as this all is, It's kinda of a bitter-sweet move for me. While I'm going to be taking huge step in the right direction as far as my career in photography is concerned, in addition to much more pay, I'm really said to be leaving Stone Photo. While, yes, it really basically a more high-end one hour, I am going to miss my coworkers and the laid back job atmosphere more than I can say. And being a retail company, my giving notice couldn't come at a worse time: right before xmas. Everyone was really happy for me though, which probably just made it worse in the long run.

So I start Monday morning. 8:30 am. And I'm alittle terrified. I know i can do this but part of still feels like a goofy college kid, just faking that they can be a real grown-up. Which I know isn't true. But still, lots of firsts make me nervous. Except for one: for the first time I feel like college was really an investment for me. Like the money i spent there actually went to good use and I in a position that I couldn't have obtained without my undergrad education.

And with student loans payments, right around the corner, all I have to say is thank fucking god for that!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Since All the Cool Kids are Doing It....

And since Bobbie has suggested it as a much better way to stay in touch (and although I hate to admit it's true, let's face it, it is) and since this is becoming the longest run on statement of....well.....ever......I decided it was time to start blogging. Again.

Part of my reluctence to start of something like this is two fold:

1) My commitment to it. Or rather the worry of the lack there of. Then again, who says I have to blog everyday? No One! So I shall try to reminder that this is a leasure activity that I get to do whenever i want to; no more, no less.

2) Nothing interesting happens!!!! Though lets face it, that's not really true. Although my life has significantly more rountie than it ever has had before (apart fromt those infant years spent sleeping, eating, pooping, repeating), my life is still exciting and adventurous and scary and gratifiy and new.

And really, I hope that is will be a way to help remind me of all that.